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The Place of Religion in Guaranteeing Peace and Concordance in Nigerian Society: A Case Ponder of PFN ( Petencostal Partnership of Nigeria) is an examination of how religion can in common term be utilize as an instrument for bringing around peace and agreement within the Nigerian society with specific focus on the pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria's part in guaranteeing peace and agreement. The work through the utilization of both essential and auxiliary sources of data have point consideration to religion and the Nigerian state, devout developments and variables that helps it in Nigeria, part of religion in Nigeria open space, devout emergencies and how it has undermined national advancement of Nigeria, causes, impact and cases of devout emergencies in Nigeria. The work found that when we see absent from the broken parts of religion and the chaos it has caused in Nigeria and get it, overseen it well, it can and will be utilize as a medium for peace and agreement in Nigeria. The work pointed at alienating the well known see and conception that religion is as it were an instrument of war, psychological warfare, emergency, clashes among other fiendish indecencies and utilizing Christianity and PFN as a premise, it can be utilize to bring around peace and agreement in Nigeria society. This work is said to have contributed to the body of information but it has championed the idea that religion notwithstanding of it pessimism on Nigeria within the past, it can as well be utilize as a implies for peace and concordance in Nigeria at huge.

A society where we have two or more diverse belief systems channel to accomplishing same objective might not be able to do without strife, struggle in terms of thoughts and unconventional positions kept up by such belief systems. In spite of the fact that, it can be troublesome to state which philosophy is way better, unless we have a clear result of what such philosophies has made out of it thoughts. So too in same line with religion. A devout pluralistic society may be troublesome to wash off emergency no matter how little, usually since each religion in its claim uniqueness tends to be the only true religion satisfactory to God, by this, dismissing other religions as unholy and unsatisfactory. Ready to at that point start to see reasons why two or more philosophies almost a specific subject can be tricky within the society. Within the case of Nigeria, looking at the three major religions in Nigeria, which are African Conventional Religion, Islam and Christianity, these three religions have God as their subject matter and displayed their God in a distinctive way in spite of the fact that with a few small similitudes traceable to their God, but what bubbles up this the more is the reality that the three religion talked almost God but never agreeing on the concept God.
There  is already this instinct in man that shows rejection, and by this conflict  or disagreement is inevitable except if a mind has been trained and orientated correctly. It'll be difficult on the off chance that not incomprehensible to date the exact day devout struggle begun in Nigeria, but we are can effectively point to a few major dates in time past when a few struggle hit Nigeria in in difficult way. Strife in Nigeria is followed back to the pre-independence period beneath the colonial run the show, most strife back at that point never begun as a devout strife but political or tribal struggle which graduated to gotten to be devout strife.Islam had taken a firm hold within the Northern portion and Christianity was the prospering confidence within the Southern portion. These circumstances cleared out the developing country isolated into two parts with profound ideological differences.
Religious vonflict, which often reflects lack of cordiality, mutual suspicion and fear, and affect the relationship between members of one religious group and another, of such group in a multi-religious scocoety, there is a high tendency towards violent confrontation. In Nigeria, it is interesting to note that religious bigotry have become a fulcrum of various forms of nationalism ranging from assertion of language, cultural autonomy and religious superiority to demands for local political autonomy and self-determination. All these sometimes lead to some forms of contextual discrimination of members of one religious group against another on the basis of differentiated systems of religion.
The resultant impacts of devout emergency in Nigeria are gigantic. It plagues all the segments within the Nigerian society. Certainly, these gigantic misfortunes have denied the country of needed manpower and administrations for the development of it’s wobbling economy conjointly closing down a few major commerce in areas also related with devout emergency, causing those who are utilized to be unemployed that's in the event that they indeed live to see the light of the following day. And this in a way as decreased the IGR (Inside Genratated Income) of such states and while it too takes absent from the states salary considering the reality that the state will got to settle the harms done. when there's savage strife, the common response of the government had been the utilize of all the coercive powers at its transfer to contain or prevent the strife. Indeed the evolvement of the military has not driven to quick takeover of the circumstance by the state.

Religion and how it is being practiced and adhered to in Nigeria have been labelled to be an instrument of conflicts and crises. This is as a result of how it has led to many many conflicts which have affected Nigeria. An examination of this conception coupled with the adverse effects of religion in Nigeria could to some extent be argued and said to be right but cannot be holistically right. Thibis because when religion is seen beyond an instrument of conflicts and properly managed well, it can be use as an instrument of peace and harmony in Nigeria. This paper concentrating on religion (Christianity and PFN) have argued that religion can be use as a channel and medium towards peace in Nigeria. This is in the instance where adherents of different religious affiliations sees themselves as one and will always place humanity emphasizing on the sacredness of human life before religion.

©Emmanuel Ibitoye