Aliens: Extraterrestrial Hypothesis {ETH}, Panspermia Theory, and Factual Evidences. by O., S., Segun


In many ways, the fanatical obsession behind the conjectural existence of Aliens or unidentified flying object (UFO), Aliens Spaceship, Flying Saucer, or unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), as adopted by Americans to suppress the surreptitious fright damages on her citizens, has been subjected to a putative conclusions - unconfirmed reports, fallacies, traffic hub for  fake news peddlers, product of creative imagination and a stepping stone to relevancy by conspiracy theorists. But the questions are: Has any mysterious flying objects been sighted? Yes. Was there a high profiled resources backed investigation to proof aliens existence and suppostitious presence on Earth? Yes. Have they been identified, with concrete evidence to proof what was sighted was ETH or Alien species? No. As Carl Sagan said,
 “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” 
Therefore, until there's substantial evidence or proof to backed the claim, the initial stance remains. 

The special elites investigative committee reports set up by the US, Canada, Brazil, Soviet Union, and UK Intelligence agency show absolutely no evidence of Aliens. The first time Alien Ship or UFO sighting occured was in 1947, by businessman, Kenneth Arnold, who claimed to see a group of nine high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington while flying his small plane. Arnold estimated the speed of the crescent-shaped objects as several thousand miles per hour and said they moved...
“like saucers skipping on water.”  

Mr Arnold's use of words led to the adoption of the term flying saucer. By 1948, sightings of alien ship or unidentified aerial phenomena increased, prompting U.S. Air Force's Project Sign investigation of 1948. There was an ambiguous opinion by those involved with the project - the sighted UFOs were said to be most likely sophisticated Soviet aircraft, while some researchers suggested that they might be spacecraft from other worlds - Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH). In 1949, Project Sign was succeeded by Project Grudge, which in 1952 was followed by Project Blue Book, considered to be the longest-lived of the official inquiries into UFOs, from 1952 to 1969; headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. While Investigation was going on in the US, there was also elite teams doing the same in other countries. Flying Saucer Working Party was the name of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) first "official study into UFOs", which has its roots in a study commissioned in 1950 by the MOD’s then Chief Scientific Adviser, the eminent radar scientist Sir Henry Tizard. The respected scientist was of the opinion that UFO sightings should not be dismissed without some form of proper scientific study. An investigation was carried out; according to their report, what is considered to be alien presence or UFOs could just be strong astronomical or meteorological phenomena, misidentification of aircraft, balloons, birds and the like; optical illusions and psychological delusions, deliberate hoaxes. The report ended: 
We accordingly recommend very strongly that no further investigation of reported mysterious aerial phenomena be undertaken, unless and until some material evidence becomes available.”

By 1952, the numbers of radar and visual sightings had increased. A documented one was the Incidences close to the National Airport in Washington, D.C. Although it attributed to temperature inversions in the air over the city, not everyone was convinced by this explanation. The Central Intelligence Agency noticed the skepticism and advised the government to set up an expert panel of scientists, physicists, an astronomer, and rocket engineer, to be headed by H.P. Robertson to investigate the phenomena.The Robertson Panel did a critical analysis of the materials, interviewed military officers and the head of Project Blue Book for three days in 1953. They also reviewed films and photographs of UFOs. Their conclusions were that; 
" (1) 90 percent of the sightings could be easily attributed to astronomical and meteorologic phenomena (e.g., bright planets and stars, meteors, auroras, ion clouds) or to such earthly objects as aircraft, balloons, birds, and searchlights, (2) there was no obvious security threat, and (3) there was no evidence to support the ETH".

This particular report has lucid resemblance with the Robertson panel reports. It was said to have been kept classified until 1979, and this long period of secrecy helped fuel suspicions of a government cover-up. In 1959, Project Magnet, established by Transport Canada, was born under the direction of Wilbert Brockhouse Smith. Although his report was a little different from others as he concluded that Aliens UFOs were probably extraterrestrial in origin and likely operated by manipulation of magnetism but the research stop without no proofs. 

Furthermore, the US Air Force pushed for another committees, in 1966, to review the materials gathered by Project Blue Book. Two years later this committee, which made a detailed study of 59 UFO sightings, released its results as Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects—also known as the Condon Report, named for Edward U. Condon, the physicist who headed the investigation. The Condon Report was reviewed by a special committee of the National Academy of Sciences. A total of 37 scientists wrote chapters or parts of chapters for the report, which covered investigations of the 59 UFO sightings in detail. Like the Robertson Panel, the committee concluded that there was no evidence of anything other than commonplace phenomena in the reports and that UFOs did not warrant further investigation. A gentle decline in sighting activity, led to the dismantling of Project Blue Book in 1969. According to the project report, they had more than 12,000 sightings of aliens entities, presence, flying objects or events, each of which was ultimately classified as
(1) “identified” with a known astronomical, atmospheric, or artificial (human-caused) phenomenon or (2) “unidentified.” 

The latter category, approximately 6 percent of the total, included cases for which there was insufficient information to make an identification with a known phenomenon. French Space Agency CNES whose brief was to investigate Aliens or UFOs started project GEIPAN from 1977–1988. UFOs presence was 'felt' in Colares City, Pará, Brazil in 1977. The local residents claimed that scars on their bodies were caused by the lights, movement, in the sky. Believing it would keep the lights away, residents of Colares organized prayer vigils, lit fires, and ignited fireworks. An operation, tagged Operation Saucer or Operation Plate, was immediately commanded by Captain Uyrangê Bolivar Soares Nogueira de Hollanda Lima. Several pictures of lights were recorded but the military remained skeptical. Four months after, the operation was closed after finding no unusual phenomenal.The Institute 22 organization, created in 1978, by the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Defense in the Soviet Union began Its mission to investigate UFOs in the Soviet Union. Institute 22 investigated almost 3000 UFO reports. About 5-10% of all cases remained unexplained when the organization was eventually dissolved. However, there was a leaked reports that what was considered Aliens presence or spaceship UFOs was a secret cover-up of a near-nuclear launch. The Soviet Union later explained the UFOs as flares, which the Army was testing from a higher altitude. Project Condign, a secret UFO research undertaken by the British Government's Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) between 1997 and 2000, concluded that UFOs had an observable presence that was “indisputable”, but also that no evidence has been found to suggest they are "hostile or under any type of control". According to the report, the majority of analyzed UFO sightings can be explained by the misidentification of common objects such as aircraft and balloons, while the remaining unexplainable reports were most likely the result of a supernormal meteorological phenomena not fully understood by modern science.

Lastly, In January 2021, US congress broader intelligence legislation led to the set up of another Investigative committee. When the report was brought forth, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio was instrumental to commissioning it, He had said; "For years, the men and women we trust to defend our country reported encounters with unidentified aircraft that had superior capabilities, and for years their concerns were often ignored and ridiculed; this report is an important first step in cataloging these incidents, but it is just a first step." 
According to this U.S. government Navy led Task force report on UFOs released in June 2021, It was said that, defense and intelligence analysts lack sufficient data to determine the nature of mysterious flying objects observed by American military pilots including whether they are advanced earthly technologies, atmospherics or of an extraterrestrial origin.

A few scientists, evolutionary biologists - Richard Dawkins and the late Francis Crick included, have claimed that they cannot rule out the Panspermia hypothesis that bacteria distributed by space dust, asteroids or meteors arrived on earth and sparked life. A statement also championed by Dr Ellis Silver, an evolution professor, which, in simpler english, means humans did not come from heaven/earth but must have been brought by Aliens. As crazy as it all sounds, scientists have long posited the possibility of aliens on our planet, and Hollywood has consistently helped to fuel the putative claims. However, there have not been a concrete fact or evidence to justify the claim despite high profiled investigations. 

Olorode, Segun Stephen.

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