Locomotically from the rising of the sun to the set-ing of the moon
Down from the corners of the witches of east end
Sprang forth from the northern wing
To the sides polars wings in proximity to the source.
Organs liquidly clothed in red litters the mother earth
Parts, separately and Reddishly scattered on the highway
Pinched my flesh,
This is dream not, negator
Fear, uproar, hullabaloo
Men running for their lives
Baby fell from that woman's back, yet, still on the run, she was
Long, long matching and stepping
Bomb's ring tone dwarfs the babies wailing
Bombshells litters everywhere
Human heads roll over the streets likes dirts
Oh fanatics and religious bigot
All in the name of piety?
You abducted the girls
Turned them to service providers,
Turned them to human machines
Babies, rampant all over your camps.
Your siblings are slaughtering farmers and pregnant women
Why this insanity?
You Macheted men's head
Scraped off resisted ladies breast
Why allow twelve brutal and experienced men take turns on those girls ?
Why coerce a brother to commit incest with the sister, in public, to the mother's sadness and death?
Why cut-off Alhaji's manhood?
Why cut Aishat open?
Oh, see..
.. pinkish red Intestine...
What happened to your heart?
Your heart is cauterized?
Very seared with hot iron.
Cow master! why?
Grazing to grave-ing
Clasps the dagger
You cut down the former
HUMAN-NESS, you have lost,
You have cease to become
ANIMAL-NESS, you have become born again of
This, you have put-on
OH, mishali of soweto
Mandela, great madiba
Zik of Igbo land
Awolowo of Yoruba_land
Tafawa of hausa-land
Listen to the onomatopoeia of my buca-cavity
Your foreshadowing is manifest-ing
Man is no longer human
Man is violenCE,
Beastic - beast,
''Asinwin '' marauding vampire
Is red the freedom road?
Reprisal will be bloody, another blood-bath
To be free, blood will be required
To be stagnantly dormant, the red sea will still flood
Yet, the anus's mouth is the Sango-Ota - - the gate-way city
For relieve sake, it must be widely opened
White-ness is the new freedom road for the sake of lives